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How To Write A Good History Essay

The first thing we should do is be asking ourselves, what is an outstanding history essay? Most likely, no two people will unanimously agree, if not because they believe that the quality of the essay depends on the perception and reflects the intellectual state of the person reading it. What follows, therefore, goes beyond philosophical debates and offers practical guidance on how to compose an essay that can have the best marks.


Court witnesses promise to reveal the truth all the truth and nothing else. All students studying history should take similar oaths: to answer the questionin full, including the entire question and nothing but the question. This is the first rule. You may write brilliantly and be able to argue your case with an abundance of evidence however, if you’re irrelevant, then you could as well be tinkering the cymbal. This means that you should think seriously about the issue the question is asking you to think about. Be certain to avoid the besetting sin of those more weak students who, at the very least in the end, fail to answer the test the examiners could have asked but , unfortunately, didn’t. Spend time, look carefully at the words used in the question, then make certain in your own mind that you have thoroughly understood each of its terms.

If, for example, you’re asked to explain why Hitler was elected it is important to clarify what this method of coming to power consisted of. Was there a specific event which demonstrates his emergence into the power?Read here At our site If you’re quick in grabbing the appointment of Chancellor, be aware of what exactly the powers this position conferred upon him. Was the passing of the Enabling Act more important? Was it the time when the ascendancy to power actually begin? Should you mention Hitler’s early years and his birth or an inflation crisis in the early 1920s? If you decide the years that are relevant in turn, which years are irrelevant that you are on the right track, you’ve got off to a a very good start. In the next step, you’ll need to figure out some of the factors behind the rise of his popularity.

Or , if you’re being given the task of describing the achievements of a specific person Try not to write down your first thought to pop to mind. Make a list of possible achievements. By doing so, you will soon be faced with the problem of defining ‘success’. What is it that it means? Does it mean the achievement of the goals of one’s? Does it have to be objective (a subject of fact) or subjective (a subject of opinion)? Should we consider either long-term or short-term results? If a person is blessed with extraordinary luck, then is this still a successful event? In the process of tackling the issue of definition will help you write a detailed list that includes successes. You can then explain the causes behind them in identifying the reasons and how they took place. Do you know if there is a commonality in the successful results? If yes, it could represent the underlying theme of your answer.

The most important word in the preceding section will be the word “think”. This should be distinguished from daydreaming, remembering and just sat in silence speculating. Thinking is rarely a pleasant affair, and most people are trying to avoid it most of the time. But unfortunately there’s no substitute if you want to get the top grade. Be sure to think as deep at your wits end about the significance of this question. Think what it is that it asks about and the possible ways to tackle it. You must think and think a lot – and then you should rethink trying to find flaws in your reasoning. In the end, you’ll probably get confused. Don’t be worried: confusion is usually a prerequisite to the achievement of clarity. If you’re totally lost or lost, stop. When you return to the issue the possibility is that things have gotten resolved. If not give yourself the time to think about it. You may discover that positive ideas pop into the mind of your subconscious at unplanned instances.

The Vital First Paragraph

Every single part of an paper is crucial, but your first paragraph is of paramount importance. This is the first chance you have to impress – or even depress an examiner, and your first impressions can make a difference. Try to write a striking first sentence. (‘Start with an earthquake and build up to a final climax advised the filmmaker Cecil B. De Mille.) Most important is that you show your understanding of the questions. In this section, you provide your well elaborate definitions of essential terms. Here you set the relevant time-frame and the issues, in other words, you define the details of the problem. You also break the entire question into more easily manageable sub-divisions. Or, smaller ones, about each of which you’ll later write your own paragraph. Your argument is developed, or possibly, you will use alternative arguments, which you’ll be able to prove later in the essay. This is why the first paragraph or you may spread this section of the introduction over two paragraphs. The first paragraph is the most crucial to a good essay.

If you read a solid initial paragraph, students will feel assured that the author is on right track, being pertinent and analytical. They’ll likely sigh with relief knowing that this is a student at least who has avoided both of the common traps. The first is to ignore the question entirely. The other is to write an account of events, usually starting with the birth of an individual with a shaky attempt at answering your question in the conclusion paragraph.

Middle Paragraphs

Philip Larkin once said that the modern novel consists of a beginning, a muddleand an end. That’s, unfortunately it is the case for many essays on history. However, if you’ve put together an effective opening paragraph with the ability to divide the overall question into separate areas that are manageable your essay will not be muddled; it will be clear and coherent.

It should be obvious, from the middle paragraphs, the query you’re asking. It’s actually a great test of an essay that the reader can guess the question even if the title is hidden. You should therefore consider starting each middle paragraph with a generalization pertinent to the topic. After that, you can expand on this idea , and then support it with evidence. It is important to provide a careful selection of evidence (i.e. quotes and facts) for the argument you’re presenting. There’s a limit to the amount of space or time be aware of how much detail to present. It is possible for minor issues to be summarised using generality; however, your most important areas require greater enhancement. (Do not be one of the naive candidates who, unaccountably “go out and about” in aspects that aren’t important and then gloss over critical areas.)

The rules usually stipulate that during the A2 year, students should be familiar with the principal views of historians. Do not ignore this suggestion. But, on the other hand be careful not to take historiography to extremes, so that the past is practically ignored. Particularly, don’t fall into the fallacy that all you need is sources of historical opinion. Most often, in their essays, students give a generalisation and back it with the view of a historian. since they’ve constructed the generalisation by relying on the opinion, the argument is entirely circularand, consequently, useless and uninspiring. This also implies that historians are infallible , omniscient gods. If you are not able to provide actual evidence for your argument like historians do, a generalisation is simply an assertion. The middle paragraphs make up the venue to find the true essence of an essay. If the writer who does not do this is at risk.

The Final Paragraph

If you’ve been arguing on a point in the body of your essay, be sure to bring it home in the last paragraph. If you’ve been examining several possible arguments, now’s the perfect time to determine what’s the most correct option. In the middle paragraph , you are like a barrister who is arguing over a case. Then, in the last paragraph, you’re the judge who summarizes and deciding the verdict.